January 23, 2021 & May 22, 2021 - Dana Lyn (Violin, Piano, Composer)
On January 21st and May 22nd, 2021, Dana Lyn came back. She had been a little weather-worn by being stuck indoors in the winter in New York during COVID, but she also had really used the forced break from her show, "Hadestown", to create. Of course as Broadway opened back up, there were the tales of the complete band being out, or running with understudies because thirty-six cases of the virus had demolished the cast.
You would think that my impression of Dana had changed. We did see each other over the Christmas holidays. Is it weird to say that with all the musicians and composers we were working with at Inception, there is something about Dana that is always inspiring?
Of course she gives great notes to the young composers. But it is something about her process. It is something about the projects she gets attached to and chases. There is something about her music career that says model yours after hers, you might be more satisfied.
Until I do this, she is still just plainly unassuming and inspirational.